Curtis Jones - President & Founder

When I was a kid I found a HyperCard programming book on the floor of my dad’s office (I still have it). My Mac Plus and I became inseparable after that, although Turbo Math Facts and Lode Runner had already mostly accomplished that.

The earliest precursor to Streamie was a shell script that launched four instances of VLC on my Mac to stream the newly installed exterior cameras at my house. This was in 2014. The shell script gave way to CameraMan, my Mac-only solution which eventually morphed into Streamie. In the years that followed a lot has changed.

Working on Streamie afforded many unexpected opportunities, such as free cameras in the mail, working with celebrities, major camera companies, churches, radio stations, schools (public and private), police departments and car dealerships; seeing Streamie used in the development of innovative new services and hardware products; negotiating with national brands, being brought on-site to Caribbean islands (plural) for a last-minute deployment, making a few new friends (my wife and I were invited as guests of a performer to a show at Mercedes Benz Stadium), and I very nearly got to tour Air Force One — not to mention the vast learning opportunities.

Concurrent with a long string of jobs including Apple (Repair Central macOS app for retail stores), The Wall Street Journal (their first iPhoneOS app), Bloomberg (exchange feed data routing), Lime Wire (yeah…) and Chick-fil-A (rewrote their drive-through credit card and receipt printer wireless drivers), I’ve always had an on-going hobby project or three such as Static (an RF spectrum analyzer), Orbit (Arduino + servos + iPad app satellite antenna tracker) and GlowWorm (macOS firewall kernel extension).

That’s how Streamie started. The luster of this hobby project never faded though even as it continued to grow and mature. In November of 2020, as my current employment was slated to end, I determined to go full time with Streamie development. The namesake company, Streamie Security, Inc., was born of this effort and the rest is history, as they say, but there’s so much more to come!

Outside of work, my life has been truly blessed.

I was given the opportunity to serve as the treasurer of one church for 4 years and another church for 12 years. Simultaneously, I was installed as a deacon and served until I relocated 7 years later.

Hiking, mountaineering and ice climbing have been a big part of my life. I’ve hiked Pikes Peak (several times), various North Georgia peaks, Half Dome, Mauna Loa and I’ve suffered the Grand Canyon “Death March”, twice; ice climbed in the Adirondacks, New Hampshire and Ouray, CO; climbed in the Collegiate Range, Denali (Mt. McKinley, four times) via the West Buttress, Mt. Rainier via Liberty Ridge (amazing!), Cotopaxi and Cayambe (volcanoes in Ecuador), Mt. Shuksan via Fisher Chimneys and Mt. Baker via the North Ridge.

Mountaineering eventually gave way to cycling, which I think is actually more dangerous (in the context of Atlanta drivers). Also, I once clocked 58.9mph going down a pass in North Georgia; I’m not interested in besting that.

Finally, I married Sarah in 2014. We have been blessed with three sons and one daughter.

“The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” — Ecclesiastes 12:13